This gorgeous LOVE- Red Explorer Roses & Eucalyptus bouquet is the perfect gift for your special someone. Hand-tied using only the best red Explorer roses and fragrant eucalyptus, this bouquet is sure to make a statement. The striking combination of deep red roses and fresh eucalyptus will symbolize your deep and enduring love for your partner. Each bouquet is carefully arranged by our skilled florists to ensure a stunning and long-lasting arrangement. Show your love with this timeless and elegant bouquet that will surely make your Valentine's Day unforgettable.
LOVE- Red Explorer Roses & Eucalyptus
We use the best Rose grower in Equadore, all the roses come to us are 70cm
- Meduim is 6 red roses and Eucaliptus
- Delux is 12 red roses and Eucaliptus
- Super delux is 18 red roses and Eucaliptus
- Super Duper delux is 24 red roses and Eucaliptus